Aquaculture and Aquatic Science, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Imad graduated high school in 1983 and attended the American University of Beirut (AUB) from which he graduated in 1987 with a Bachelor’s in Biology. He then worked for a few years in aquaculture research before joining the University of Southern Mississippi for a double Masters in Oceanography at the Marine Science Institute and in Environmental physiology at the biology department.
After graduation, Imad spent some time doing research and studying at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Labs and at the University of Hawaii before leaving for Ghana in 1992 to work in tropical forestry management. In 1996 he joined the School of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture at Auburn University to get a PhD in aquatic science with an emphasis on oyster reef ecology.
In 2000 he started a postdoc at Auburn University in aquatic animal nutrition and in 2003 he joined the faculty of AUB as an aquatic scientist with an emphasis on aquaculture and water productivity. Imad’s present research focuses mainly on environmental physiology of marine fish, on developing aquaculture protocols for marine algaevores, and on fresh water conservation and efficiency through aquaculture/agriculture integration. He is presently professor of aquaculture and aquatic science at AUB.